Lub ntiaj teb Diesel Generator Kev Lag Luam Loj Loj yuav tsum tau mus txog USD 30.0 txhiab nyiaj los ntawm 2027, nthuav ntawm FEM ntawm 8.0% los ntawm 2020 rau 2027.
Proliferating demand for emergency power backup and stand-alone power generation systems across several end-use industries, including manufacturing and construction, telecom, chemical, marine, oil and gas, and healthcare, is likely to strengthen market growth over the forecast period.
Kev lag luam sai, kev tsim kho cov txheej txheem kev txhim kho, thiab txuas ntxiv cov pej xeem loj hlob yog ntawm cov yam tseem ceeb uas tau siv lub zog thoob ntiaj teb. Kev nkag siab ntawm cov khoom hluav taws xob ntaus thoob plaws ntau yam kev lag luam ua lag luam, tau ua rau muaj hluav taws xob ua haujlwm hauv siab rau thaum lub sijhawm siv hluav taws xob tam sim ntawd.
Diesel Generator teeb tsa cov tuam txhab ua raws cai rau ntau txoj kev cai thiab kev tawm tsam txog kev nyab xeeb, kev tsim qauv, thiab kev teeb tsa ntawm lub system. Piv txwv li cov cuab yeej ua piv txwv, cov genset yuav tsum tau muaj nyob rau hauv cov chaw tau pov thawj rau ISO 9001 thiab yog tsim hauv cov chaw kuaj mob ua tau raws li kev ntseeg tau ntawm Genset tsim. Cov ntawv pov thawj los ua cov koom haum xws li Asmeskas ib puag ncig pab pawg, thiab pab pawg hauv nroog yuav tsum txhim kho cov khoom lag luam nyob rau lub sijhawm kwv yees.
Lub Sijhawm Post: Oct-19-2020